I'm Denis
I do code
What kind of code?


Learning never stops.


3 years of experience

Professionally used for creating embedded and progressive web-front-ends to be used in car-infotainment-systems.


4 years of experience

Experience in modern concepts of the C++ 20 standard and STL combined with the CMake build tool. Used professionally und privately for most of my general work.


6 years of experience

Experienced in Java 11 and many facetts of programming were learned and executed with Java. Professionally used for REST based back-ends and microservices.

Web technologies

In-depth, professional knowledge of modern and efficient web technologies like React and Svelte as well as security concepts.

Game development

Fundamental game development and engine experience from passionate hobby projects.


Hands on experience in developing large REST based microservice architectures and huge interest in multiplayer game networking.


Skills are meant to be used not just to be written on a profil.


Yet Another Tower Defender - [W.I.P.]

Dark Triad

3D MORPG - [On hold]

Pong with A.I.

Neural network learns to play Pong

Clear Up Robot

Robot behaviour that clears up objects

Big Data meets Container

Containerized Hadoop Cluster

Personal Voice Assistant

Privacy compliant voice assisant

Future Goals

Currently I'm working on my first bigger 3D game Y.A.T.D... It is a tower defense game and serves as a playground to discover 3D game development and try out new web development technologies.

Rust is still on the table and I'm trying to wrap my head around it. My first attempt to write something meaningful failed due to my (seemingly) little understanding of this language. Hopefully I can then move on from C++ for good. But my goal to write a 2D terminal graphics engine in Rust isn't out of my sight!

But who are you?

About myself

To a person belongs something personal.

I think this was enough of programming stuff.
For me as a person, I love to play computer games, go mountain biking and meet up with my friends. Formerly I lived in Bitburg, a small town in the Eifel. For my informatics studies I temporarily moved to Trier. Now I'm living in Düsseldorf and work here as a software developer.
I'm interested in languages (aside from programming languages). Besides English, I tried to learn japanese and currently vietnamese. I enjoy spending time on research for physics, space and nature. Recently I obtained my boating licence and I hope that the summer will hold some refreshing holidays at sea. And in general, I love to start little projects in very different disciplines like voice acting, game development, drawing, even crafting things out of wood and of course tuning my bike to take on heavier trails! Like anything that comes to my mind. My favourite animals are ducks and tortoises.

Contact Me

I promise, you won't regret it.